St. Nicholas’ Church

St Nicholas Church is a friendly place of worship & community situated at the heart of the historic town of Warwick,

opposite one of the gates to Warwick Castle and adjacent to the attractive St Nicholas Park.


Parochial Church Council 

The rules of the Church of England are laid down by parliament.  A parish church is run by the Vicar, the Churchwardens, and the Parochial Church Council.  The PCC is elected at the Annual Parish meeting, and the Churchwardens at the Annual Vestry Meeting, which any member of the local Civil Electoral List is entitled to attend and vote.

The duties of the PCC are “to co-operate with the Vicar in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.” St Nicholas PCC meets monthly, and is supported by a Fabric Committee, and a Standing Committee, with other sub-committees as necessary.

The PCC also elects a Treasurer and an Electoral Role Officer who keeps the roll of church members who wish to enrol. A ​safeguarding officer is also appointed.

The PCC is a registered charity under charity No. 1131835 with the Charity Commission under the Charities Act 2011.

Dates of 2023 PCC Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month, starting at 7:30pm

The meetings have been on zoom since the start of the pandemic. PCC meetings are due to recommence face to face meetings later this year.

Ex Officio Members:

Vicar Rev’d. Linda Duckers
Churchwardens Jonathan Forbes
Sarah Bazin
 Associate Minister Rev Dr Anita Morgan
Curate Eira Hale
Reader Fiona Trewick
 Deanery Synod Chris Foy
Antoine Mitchell

Elected Members

Treasurer Jane Rogers
PCC Secretary James Bazin
Safeguarding Officer Sally Howells
Sexton Katie Jelfs
Anne Heaney
Ian Lovecy
Roy Emmerson
Jonathan Forbes
Chris Foy
Robert Perkins

Committees and working groups include:

Standing Committee: Rev’d. Linda Duckers, Revd Dr Anita Morgan, Sarah Bazin, Jane Rogers, Jonathan Forbes
Safeguarding: Sally Howells, Rev’d. Linda Duckers
Finance Team: Jane Rogers, Revd Linda Duckers

Fabric: Jonathan Forbes, Sarah and James Bazin, Robert Perkins
Pastoral Care: Oliver Lane, John and Gillian Alderman
Children, families and Youth: Vacancy

Website Group: Rev Dr Anita Morgan, Paul Williams, Fiona Trewick, Jane Rogers