Our group meets every Wednesday morning from 10am until 11.30am during school term time. We use both the Upper and Lower East End of the church and welcome parents and carers of children from birth to school age. Most of the children are under 3 years of age as many then move on to pre-school facilities.
We split accross two rooms, changing over halfway through the morning; upstairs there is ‘static play’, with a drink and a biscuit break (tea and coffee for adults!) whilst downstairs where there are ride-on toys and a time for singing.
A very important function of the group is in providing an environment where young mothers can meet in a friendly and supportive environment. Some really firm friendships have started on Wednesday mornings. We also invite all members to our services, especially those of special interest to young families.
The weekly charge of £1 per family covers the cost of food and renewable play items, leaving us a surplus from which we donate to the cost of heating, lighting and cleaning the church. ‘Santa’ also gives small gifts to the children at Christmas, and we have an annual outing to Hatton Country Park at the end of the Summer term.
Our team of helpers very much enjoy getting to know the families and sharing their joys and problems.
For further information please contact:
email: stnicswarwick@gmail.com